Samantha Wolk Wellness

the vitality method

The step-by-step program to revive your energy, reignite ​your digestion, and create cycle harmony.

Vitality, vi·​tal·​i·​ty (noun): The state of being strong, active, and full of energy or life. It encompasses physical vigor, mental alertness, and a sense of liveliness or robustness.

can you relate?


chronic fatigue

brain fog




loose stools

weight gain


sore joints

breast tenderness



painful periods

irregular cycle



wired but tired

sugar cravings


low libido

racing heart

inability to concentrate

food sensitivities

Although these symptoms may be common, they’re anything but normal!

We were born to have vitality.

We can and SHOULD:

  • Wake up every single day with a natural energy and ​excitement for life.

  • Have regular, pain-free periods.

  • Have normal, regular bowel movements without the use of ​coffee or laxatives.

  • Have total confidence in how to eat for our bodies and ​freedom around eating.

  • Be able to sleep through the night (Yes, even without ​waking up to pee!)

  • Live a life we are excited to live, everyday.

What if I told you there was an approachable, step-by-step ​process to implement sustainable nutrition and lifestyle ​shifts, so you can finally have the confidence to reclaim your ​vitality and reconnect with your body?

You can say goodbye to quick fixes and fad diets, and hello to ​a balanced, nourishing approach to wellness.

The Vitality Method is a self-guided, on-demand course that ​includes my signature framework that I use every single day ​with my 1:1 nutrition clients, to help them get to the root cause ​of their symptoms, once and for all.

If you're ready to wake up with energy to ​tackle your day, feel confident in your body, ​and finally break free from the cycle of ​dieting and restriction, this course is for you!

the vitality method:

Step 1: Eat to Nourish

This module covers the meat & potatoes of how to properly nourish our bodies using real food. We will dive into the metabolism and how it sets the stage for every single function in our body and why it is the main driver of vitality.

Bio-individuality, ancestral nutrition, macronutrients, and how to build a balanced plate are just a few topics we will go over.

Green Tea on the Table

Step 4: Build Stress Resilience

Chronic stress is at the root of all disease, and can be to blame for so many of our symptoms. In this module, we will explore the profound impact of stress on our physical, emotional, and mental health, diving into nervous system regulating techniques to incorporate into your daily life.

Step 2: Balance Blood Sugar

In this module, we cover the intricacies of blood sugar regulation and its influence on energy levels and cravings. Through a combination of nutrition and lifestyle shifts, you'll learn how to maintain stable blood sugar levels, promoting sustained energy!

Step 5: Replenish Minerals

Minerals are considered the spark plugs of the body! Yet so many of us are not getting enough. In this module, we’ll discover the vital role of minerals in maintaining vitality and promoting overall health. We'll talk about how to properly hydrate so you’re hydrated on a cellular level (and no longer running to the bathroom 24/7!)

Step 3: Digest & Detoxify

Our health begins in the gut. We will learn about the importance of gut health and its profound impact on our physical and mental health. We'll explore key strategies not only to support digestion but also to optimize detoxification processes for long-term health and vitality.

Step 6: Create Cycle Harmony

Did you know that our menstrual cycle is a vital sign? Within this module, we'll explore the phases and hormonal fluctuations of our cycle, along with practical strategies for balance, such as cycle syncing, and tracking fertility. (AKA what we all should have learned in middle school!)

my story:

My healing journey started in my late 20’s, when I first discovered the power of holistic healing and a more natural-minded lifestyle. I was coming off of hormonal birth control for the first time in a decade, feeling confused and overwhelmed about the story my body was trying to tell.

After struggling with painful periods, digestive issues, DIY dieting, acne, low energy and brain fog, I began my training with the Nutritional Therapy Association to heal my symptoms and my relationship to food, my body, and to take back my overall health.

Through this transformative journey, I knew I needed to share this with other women who have had similar experiences with their health and bodies.

As a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I am committed to imparting my expertise and empowering others to make sustainable changes for their health so they can reclaim their vitality.

what’s waiting inside:

reclaim your vitality

8 Self-Paced Video Modules

Easily accessible and digestible content you can watch (and ​rewatch) on your own time, from anywhere you have an internet ​connection!

Weekly Challenges

At the end of each week’s module, there will be digestible, ​actionable challenges designed to reinforce the week's lessons ​and help you apply them to your daily life.

The Vitality Method Student Handbook, including ​~100 pages of additional education, including:​

Intention Setting

Daily Vitality Method Checklist

Grocery Lists

Pantry Swap Guide

Ingredient Label Guide

“Build a Nourishing Plate” Guide

Daily Food & Mood Tracker

Food Additives Guide

Recipe guide with 30+ nutrient-dense recipes

Digestive Health Self-Analysis

Healthy Gut Essentials

Balanced Snack Builder

Mineral Mocktail Recipe Book

Low-Tox Swaps Guide

Love Your Liver Tips + Products

Clear Skin Guide

Cycle Syncing Guide

My Favorite Products + Savings!


what does vitality mean to you?

Coral Orange Abstract Flower Illustration
Coral Orange Abstract Flower Illustration
Coral Orange Abstract Flower Illustration
Coral Orange Abstract Flower Illustration
Coral Orange Abstract Flower Illustration
Coral Orange Abstract Flower Illustration
Coral Orange Abstract Flower Illustration
Coral Orange Abstract Flower Illustration
Coral Orange Abstract Flower Illustration
Coral Orange Abstract Flower Illustration
Coral Orange Abstract Flower Illustration

Having natural, sustained energy without the need of caffeine.

Pain-free, predictable cycles every single month.

Feeling rested after a great night’s sleep.

Being able to maintain a healthy weight without having to restrict or deprive.

Eating your favorite foods without painful side-effects, guilt, or self-loathing.

Feeling confident about what (and when) to eat to maintain energy and satiety.

A true understanding of your menstrual cycle and how to best support it at every phase.

Vigor and emotional capacity to be present for your kids, despite life’s daily stressors.

Finding deep satisfaction and purpose in your work, having daily motivation and inspiration.

The ability to experience passion and true connection in your relationship again.

Waking up every single day with joy and excitement to live the life of your dreams!

all of this (AND MORE) is possible when we give our body the right tools to come into balance.

what students are saying...

common questions:

Will I lose weight?

Weight loss is not the main goal of The Vitality Method. If that is your number one priority right now, this may not be the best next step for you. That being said, based on the positive changes that you make when it comes to lowering stress and supporting your body as a whole, weight loss is not uncommon.

Would this be safe for me if I am pregnant?

Yes! The foundations that I teach in this method are applicable to all women, in every stage. Nourishing your body and mind during pregnancy is incredibly important, so this would be an amazing next step for you. That being said, if something specific is not safe for pregnancy, I will note that inside the course. And I always recommend running everything past your healthcare provider.

Can men take this course?

This course was created with women in mind first and foremost. That being said, I do believe that the foundations of this course would be applicable to anyone. Plus, all of it would be helpful for men to learn!

Will this course heal XYZ....

As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I do not treat or diagnose, and neither does this course claim to do so. Please always consult with your health care provider when you make specific changes to your health, add in new supplements, etc. This is not medical advice.

Will this course provide me the tools I need when trying to conceive?

Absolutely. The Vitality Method focuses primarily on total-body nourishment, which is key when regulating our cycle and trying to conceive.

Do you offer refunds?

I do not offer refunds and all sales are final. Please only move forward with this course if it’s a 100% YES commitment to your health.

How long will it take me to complete the course? Do I have to follow a timeline?

The course was designed to follow over a 6-week period, but that being said, the length of time to complete it is entirely up to you. You can go through it as fast or slowly as you like.

Can I share this course with a friend?

I’ve poured my heart and soul and countless hours into this project to have a digestible, cost-effective option for those who cannot do 1:1 work at this time. I please ask that you only share your course within your household. Energy doesn’t lie. :)

do you still have questions?

wondering if this is the right fit for you? send me an email!